Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Un-especially but still Partially Kartvelian Ring!

Wait, am I the only one that didn't know there's to be a Kirov Ring at Lincoln Center next summer? The press release says the production is based on Russian, Causasian and in a phrase that for no knowable reason amuses me, "especially Scythian" folklore/mythology. Ah, the Caucasus. Georgia=love as the kids are saying, or maybe aren't anymore. Fly away, bitter months until non-Met-production Ring!


Alex said...

Hot damn! I missed this as well. Tho I shudder to think what they will ask for the entire cycle. A limb? Unborn children? The Lincoln Center Festival main event things have been out of control recently.

Anonymous said...

I think it's supposed to be the same production as was reviewed in the NYT some time ago, I think it was last year. It looked funky. I kinda dug it. Many people didn't.

But it didn't have any goddamn trenchcoats, so I'm happy.

JSU said...

Uh, if by "next summer" you mean "the summer after the one coming up in six months", sure.

Plus, is there actually a Wotan hiding in the company somewhere, or are we talking more Mikhail Kit?

Maury D'annato said...

alex: Unborn children are actually the admission fee for the new Kirov Frau Ohne Schatten...(rim shot! Take my wife's shadow, please!)

Straussmonster: did you happen to read the Onion's review of the awful looking new Sarah Jessica Parker thing? It pointed out how any character first seen yelling into a cell phone is iconically stamped "pure evil!" and that it is to film nowadays what twirling one's moustache used to be? Is this how trenchcoats are used in opera?

jsu: the summer coming up in six months is _this_ summer but we've been over that...