Friday, November 11, 2005

a word of explanation, redux

Take II:
Before, it was: why I'm not linked to Parterre.
Now it's: why I wasn't linked to Parterre. Because I was convinced that my reasoning was lacking.
The first reason was that, well, tout but tout le monde knows where it is without my saying so, or at least le monde that's going to be reading this. But that's silly, because I linked The Rest is Noise immediately and the same is true.
The second reason was that I just don't write the same kind of blog. I have no dish to dish and I'm rarely handy with a devastating one-liner. Una piccola Cieca, non sono.
A certain trrillarina told me these were not reasons at all. Maybe I was just having an imaginary Oedipal/Elektrical conflict with the mother of us all. (Dostoevsky is said to have remarked on Russian writers: we all came out of Gogol's Overcoat. I always thought it would have sounded snappier if it had been The Nose Dostoevsky admired so. We'll not extend this conceit further, vis a vis La C, I think.)
So, my latest link: Parterre. Perhaps you've heard of it?

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