Friday, February 15, 2008

To Craunch a Marmoset

Hat tip to B.A.D.

I won't translate it because...well, yes I will. Oh hey or I'll teach you Russian the way graduate programs do: through reading.


собираться--to be collected
замужем----behind a man
ждать-------to wait
ребенок-----a child, the child, the idea of a child

Bear in mind that замужем doesn't properly function like any known part of speech, you'd never guess the conjugation of ждать by looking at it, even if you squint, and the o in ребенок is fleeting in oblique cases because of the fall of the jers. And now you know, in record time, why that method of language pedagogy is a colossal misjudgment.


Anonymous said...

But why does the picture show her FORMER fiance, Simone Alberghini?

Maury D'annato said...

Good question. At least it ain't my mistake for once!

Anonymous said...

The russian word "zamuzhem" (fourth on your list) actually is a colloquialism for a woman who is married. The literal translation is "behind a man" but that actually refers to the conceit that a woman is subordinate to her husband and should always be behind him.

But the whole phrase is "Anna Netrebko is getting married and awaiting a child".

Maury D'annato said...

Yes, surly B, it was just a little joke.